Because we love boating, just like you.
We put our family values at the heart of what we do, investing for the long term for future generations. We provide a safe, happy and friendly haven for our customers, staff and local communities.

Family values are fundamental to the Yacht Havens Group. Founded in 1972 and still run by subsequent generations today, you could say we’ve got saltwater in our veins.
It’s why we take the stewardship of our local marinas seriously, working together to ensure the boating communities we serve have somewhere accessible, secure and well maintained for their boats. Evolving, improving and protecting marinas with future generations in mind.

The Team
From the outset, our team have shared a strong work ethic and commitment to customer service.
Working together to deliver a first-class marina experience, with excellence filtering into every aspect of the business. From each of our marina teams who welcome our berth holders, ensuring safe harbour, secure berthing to boatyard services, engineers, chandleries and the full suite of marina managed services.
We take pride in our work, enjoy working in our marinas and share a few things … a love of boats and our waterways.

Destination Marinas
As an award-winning marina group, our attention has been on building a sustainable portfolio of marinas, with local focus. Each marina benefitting from expertise within the group; from bespoke management to security, haul-out and boatyard systems.
Investing in our infrastructure means we can operate in a way that benefits our customers; sharing expertise in IT, Health & Safety, eco initiatives, engineering, boat share, community programmes and the running of associated services.

Marina Life
We take pride in berth holders and visitors enjoying the Yacht Havens we manage, maintain and protect. From racers and cruisers, to newbies, tinkerers and adventurers, our communities thrive because we're boating enthusiasts, just like you.
It matters that we deliver excellent customer service in the various bars, cafes and restaurants that operate at our locations and continue to attract a talented range of independent marine businesses in our on-site offices and workshops. Each one supporting the local economy and enriching marina life.
Attracting local, national and international marine ventures in our marine business park in Plymouth, Turnchapel Wharf.

Future-proofing our marinas
We take our environmental impact seriously and continue to invest in safeguarding the seas, marine wildlife and habitats in and around our marinas.
Applauded in our Gold Anchor Assessment, who reported “Largs Yacht Haven breathes respect for nature … green in both the literal and figurative sense.”
From saltmarsh regeneration to improving our day-to-day footprint, we’re constantly working at both group and local levels to preserve and protect our marinas for generations to come.
Implementing many initiatives to reduce our carbon footprint, emissions, manage waste better, investing in new tech to promote sustainable choices. Leading by example, in conjunction with British Marine, the RYA and The Green Blue to encourage clean, green practices across the group.
After all, we want your children to go on to enjoy our marinas, just like ours.

Let's Do More
Find out what we’re doing to protect our seas, preserve our habitats, reduce our environmental impact and how you can get involved.
"It's a family-owned business and they really do strive to please"
- James Barker, Berth Holder