Today's weather in Neyland
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Live webcam feed
Enjoy live views from around the Yacht Haven, with our webcam you can always see what conditions are like here in Neyland.
Enjoy live views from around the Yacht Haven, with our webcam you can always see what conditions are like here in Neyland.
Enjoy live views from around the Yacht Haven, with our webcam you can always see what conditions are like here in Neyland.
Enjoy peace of mind
Whether you're looking to stay for the day, the night, or the year, you're in safe hands at Neyland. We pride ourselves on our customer service, and the safety of you, your crew and your boat.

Annual & Seasonal Berthing
Flexible contracts and attractive berthing benefits. Choose what works for you.

Visitor Berthing
Explore a new cruising ground based at an award-winning marina for services and facilities
Why choose Neyland?
Sheltered and accessible
Full tide access to the Lower Basin and well-protected from prevailing winds.
Friendly staff
Our knowledgeable, friendly and efficient team are on hand to help you 7 days a week, all-year round.
Peaceful Location
We're surrounded by the unique flora and fauna of the Pembrokeshire Coastal National Park.
We pride ourselves on security with regular staff patrols, fob access systems and CCTV surveillance.
Food & Drink
Enjoy mouth-watering food from our two waterfront eateries.
Cruising Discounts
Save while you cruise with reciprocal berthing arrangements in Yacht Havens Group and TransEurope Marinas.