Now located in the Marina Office at Troon Yacht Haven
The Troon Chandlery has had a revamp with an extended stocklist!

Our Stock
Day-to-day, we stock a selection of:
- Marine Ropes
- Holt & Wichard marine pre-packs
- Boat cleaning and maintenance products
- Paint brushes, rollers, tapes & thinners
- Lifejackets & service kits
- Almanacs, charts and pilot books
- Hoses and hose attachments
- Nautical gifts
- Calor & Camping Gas
- Plus anything else you request!
Call, order & collect
If you need something specific, or you're passing by on the Firth of Clyde, just call ahead and we'll get your item ordered ready for your arrival at the Yacht Haven. Just call us on 01292 315553.
If we're unable to locate a product and you've managed to source it elsewhere, feel free to get it delivered to the Marina Office and we'll hold onto it until your arrival (please call ahead to inform us!).