Hoisting, Lifting & Launching
Our 40 and 25 ton travel hoists operate all-year round, and we offer a 24-hour emergency call out service. Lifting takes place from the slipways at the Yacht Station and Yacht Haven, and boats can be lifted and held in the hoist for an hour or overnight for small jobs, or stored ashore. Vessels can be lifted to and from road transport as required.
Our crane can be used for all sorts of jobs including mast-stepping and engine lifts as required.

Storage Ashore
There's space ashore for over 700 boats, fully serviced with 240v electricity and water. Also, a 500sq/m undercover storage facility provides sheltered indoor storage for vessels up to 19m LOA.
All boats brought ashore into our secure compound are pressure washed with freshwater, before being safely shored up. Cradles for a wide variety of boats can be hired (subject to availability) and we can also provide storage for masts and trailers.
We also offer 'Bosun's Lockers' for all your extra boating items that you want to store.

Winter Packages
Are you looking for somewhere to store your boat for the winter? Our boatyard is a very popular location for winter boat storage in Essex. We advise booking your winter lift-out as early as possible. And when booking, please provide details of your specific requirements and let us know if you require a cradle. We also offer great rates for Winter Berthing in our marina.

Boat Cleaning
We offer various types of boat cleaning including our great value Lift & Scrubs.
It is recommended that you come out of the water for a Lift & Scrub at least once during the summer to maintain your hull efficiency and prolong the life of your boat. If you are a keen racer, you may wish to book a Lift & Scrub at more regular intervals. We also offer discounted scrubs for racers in the Fambridge Winter Series.
If you are coming ashore for an extended period, your boat wash is included in your price.

Park & Launch
Keep your boat in pristine condition by storing her ashore and let us launch and recover her whenever you want to go boating.
With our Park & Launch service, there's no need to antifoul as your boat is stored out of the water, resulting in better fuel economy and improved boat performance.
Suitable for RIBs and motorboats up to 8m with unlimited launch and recovery 7 days a week with annual, seasonal and monthly packages.

Fuel at Fambridge Yacht Haven
On-water diesel is available from our accessible fuel pontoon, delivering high quality diesel to fill your tanks. Petrol available on-site.
Red Diesel Regulations - HMRC Duty
The amount of duty charged on Red Diesel can be adjusted according to intended usage. It is the responsibility of the purchaser to make a declaration about the intended use of the fuel before dispensing commences. This must be done on a declaration form available from the fuel pontoon when refuelling.
Recreational boaters must pay the full rate of duty when purchasing fuel for the purposes of propulsion. Fuel used for domestic purposes, such as heating or electricity generation, may be purchased at the reduced rate of duty. HMRC have indicated that a 60/40% split (propulsion/domestic use) will apply to most private pleasure craft. Commercial, safety and residential boats can claim exemption, but please note that most charter boats are used for leisure purposes and therefore a 60/40% split (propulsion/domestic use) would most likely be applicable. We will offer advice where we can, but it is the responsibility of the purchaser to make a correct declaration.

Services for your boat
From boat maintenance to brokerage, chandlery and general repairs, you'll find a range of marine services ready to look after you and your boat.
We operate an open site policy
If you have a preferred contractor or you need a specialist, you're able to use your own choice of third party contractors. There’s no daily access fee to pay, but please ask them to share a copy of their insurance documents with the Marina office before getting started.
Every boatyard service we provide is unique to the customer, boat and length of stay.
To get a quote for your boat, or to discuss any special requirements you have, please complete the our enquiry form providing as many details as possible.
Our Haven Team will reply to you as soon as possible. If you would prefer to speak to a member of staff, feel free to call us any day of the week on 01621 740370.