We are delighted to announce that our Tender Pontoon is now open and ready for use.
Thank you for your patience during the manufacturing and installation periods. Further thanks to the many volunteers who have leant a helpful hand with the final installation!
This has been a major investment, along with the new Yacht Station bridgehead which is being installed this winter, and we hope you will find both a major improvement.

Toast Rack System
The new pontoon is larger with a much-improved 'toast rack' around the east and west sides and down the middle. Furthermore, it has non-slip launching ramps with additional treads and solid handrails to make it easier to launch/recover tenders.
The new pontoon has been our biggest self-build project to date and has been carried out in between other seasonal tasks.

Use of the pontoon
Our aim is to ensure the tender pontoon remains a valuable facility for swinging mooring holders, spaces are limited and exclusively for the use of permitted tenders which are in active use.
- Tender positions are allocated and clearly labelled with blue plastic tags. Tenders must be secured in their allocated positions.
- If you cannot find your position or you would like to request a position on the pontoon, please contact the Marina Office.
- We ask pontoon users to supply a photo and accurate description of their tender, such as brand, make, model, colour or other identifying features.
- Only permitted tenders can use the pontoon.
- Tenders must be in good condition and clearly labelled with TT Boat Name.
- Tenders must be secured in an upright position and lashed to the new toaster rack.
- Tenders must not exceed 8 feet in length.
- Larger tenders (8-10 feet) should be berthed stern-to on the opposite side of the pontoon. We recommend that tenders stored in the water are fitted with an automatic bilge pump and regularly checked for water/bailed out.

Devon Lass launch service
As a reminder, we operate a complimentary launch service to swinging moorings as an alternative option to launching your own tender.
MB Devon Lass operates:
- 9am - 5pm weekends and bank holidays
- 10am - 3pm weekdays
- From early-May to late-October
- A limited service will continue to operate beyond these dates for competitors in the Fambridge Yacht Haven Winter Series, North Fambridge Yacht Club members and Fambridge Yacht Haven swinging mooring customers.
Swinging Moorings on the River Crouch
We offer a range of swinging mooring contracts providing an excellent solution for those who enjoy the freedom and privacy of mooring on the river.
We undertake thorough biannual checks on every mooring to ensure the ground chain and risers are all in good condition. Our moorings are suitable for boats up to 16m in length and up to 18 tons.

Annual Swinging Mooring
Our standard swinging mooring contract, with 12 months on the mooring.

Summer Swing
6 Summer months on a swinging mooring, followed by 6 Winter months alongside a pontoon.

Boatyard Services
Annual and Summer Swing Mooring Contracts include up to 6 month's free outdoor storage, if you need to come ashore for storage or maintenance