Use the contact details below to get in touch with your requests, questions or comments about Haven Quay, our boatyard and other services. 

Get in touch

Haven Quay, Lymington
Mill Lane
SO41 9AZ

01590 677072

Please tell us how we can help

What happens next?

We’ll take care to process and protect your data in accordance with our Privacy Notice. We'll get back to you regarding your berthing enquiry. If you’ve subscribed to Yacht Havens news, you’ll start to receive our quarterly newsletters by email and you can unsubscribe at any time via a link in every email we send you.

HQ Lymington RIBS Falcon Hurst

Arriving by sea?

You'll find Haven Quay at the end of Lymington River, between the Town Quay and the railway bridge

HQ Entrance

Arriving by road?

Lymington is well connected by road and situated on the edge of the New Forest National Park.

Lymington Marina Map_image

Marina Map

Petrol and diesel is available 24/7 at the Lymington Yacht Haven fuel station so download a copy of their marina map to familiarise yourself with their location.