Our contractors and staff have made great progress with the marina works and we're delighted to inform you of the successful completion of our pontoon refurbishment project for 2023/24. The project involved the installation of over 200m of new main walkway pontoons. 

While pontoons offer excellent longevity, the wooden decking will likely need to be replaced or refurbished every 8-10 years in order to maintain optimum safety, whilst concrete-topped pontoons will last many decades. This not only keeps the timber walkways in prime condition but also includes any ‘wear and tear’ on worn pile brackets and worn pile rubber blocks.

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C-D Pontoons

Stripping of C-D pontoon began straight after New Year with the new pontoons arriving from Walcon in mid-January. With unseasonably warm and calm weather in January, the team were able to complete the installations on C-D pontoons by the end of January with all boats returned to their home berths in early-February.

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A-B Pontoons

Once the works on C-D were complete the team set to work on A-B which proved to be difficult with English winter weather returning to usual!

After ensuring the new pontoons were perfectly aligned, electricity and running water services were re-installed and the project was finally wrapped up by the end of March. 

Key Facts & Figures

  • 75 boat moves by the expert Haven Team
  • Over 200m of pontoons were refurbished 
  • Additional Wi-Fi access points installed for better coverage.
  • Additional electricity bollards on C/D to accommodate additional demand
  • The replaced Walkways that were removed are being upcycled into a new Dinghy pontoon at our sister site Fambridge Yacht Haven, in Essex.

We would like to thank our berth holders for their understanding during the project. Thanks to everyone’s cooperation, we were able to commence the work as early as possible, minimising disruption, and ensuring the works are completed before the boating season. We look forward to continuing to serve you with an even better marina infrastructure for the future.

We would like to extend a special thank you to the entire Haven Team who did a great job solving the logistical pontoon challenges and, with a lot of towing, managed to accommodate every boat!

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